Working with Python CHIP Controller#

The Python CHIP controller is a library that allows to create a Matter fabric and commission Matter devices with it.

The chip-repl is a REPl which sets up a Python CHIP Controller and allows to explore the Python CHIP Controller API and communicate with devices from the command line.

Source files#

You can find source files of the Python CHIP Controller tool in the src/controller/python directory.

The tool uses the generic CHIP Device Controller library, available in the src/controller directory.

Building and installing#

Before you can use the Python controller, you must compile it from the source on Linux (amd64 / aarch64) or macOS.

To ensure compatibility, build the Python CHIP controller and the Matter device from the same revision of the connectedhomeip repository.

To build and run the Python CHIP controller:

  1. Install all necessary packages and prepare the build system. For more details, see the Building Matter documentation:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ python pkg-config libssl-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libavahi-client-dev ninja-build python3-venv python3-dev python3-pip unzip libgirepository1.0-dev libcairo2-dev bluez

    If the Python CHIP controller is built on a Raspberry Pi, install additional packages and reboot the device:

    sudo apt-get install pi-bluetooth
    sudo reboot
  2. Clone the Project CHIP repository:

    git clone
  3. Enter the connectedhomeip directory:

    cd connectedhomeip
  4. Initialize the git submodules:

    git submodule update --init
  5. Build and install the Python CHIP controller:

    scripts/ -m platform -i out/python_env
    source out/python_env/bin/activate

    Note: This builds the Python CHIP Controller along with the CHIP REPL as Python wheels and installs it into a separate Python virtual environment. To get more details about available build configurations, run the following command: scripts/ --help

Running the CHIP REPL#

  1. Activate the Python virtual environment with the Python CHIP Controller installed:

    source out/python_env/bin/activate
  2. Run the CHIP REPL to explore the API of the Python CHIP controller:


Using Python CHIP Controller REPL for Matter accessory testing#

This section describes how to use Python CHIP controller to test the Matter accessory. Below steps depend on the application clusters that you implemented on the device side and may be different for your accessory.

Step 1: Prepare the Matter accessory.#

This tutorial is using the Matter Light Bulb example with the Bluetooth LE commissioning. However, you can adapt this procedure to other available Matter examples.

Build and program the device with the Matter accessory firmware by following the example’s documentation.

Step 2: Enable Bluetooth LE advertising on Matter accessory device.#

Some examples are configured to advertise automatically on boot. Other examples require physical trigger, for example pushing a button. Follow the documentation of the Matter accessory example to learn how Bluetooth LE advertising is enabled for the given example.

Step 3: Discover commissionable Matter accessory device#

An uncommissioned accessory device advertises over Bluetooth LE or via mDNS if already on the network. Run the following command to scan all advertised Matter devices:


Step 4: Set network pairing credentials#

You must provide the controller with network credentials that will be further used in the device commissioning procedure to configure the device with a network interface, such as Thread or Wi-Fi.

Setting Thread network credentials#

  1. Fetch and store the current Active Operational Dataset from the Thread Border Router. Depending on if the Thread Border Router is running on Docker or natively on Raspberry Pi, execute the following commands:

    • For Docker:

      sudo docker exec -it otbr sh -c "sudo ot-ctl dataset active -x"
    • For native installation:

      sudo ot-ctl dataset active -x

    Matter specification does not define how the Thread or Wi-Fi credentials are obtained by Controller. For example, for Thread, instead of fetching datasets directly from the Thread Border Router, you might also use a different out-of-band method.

  2. Set the previously obtained Active Operational Dataset as a byte array using the following command:

    thread_dataset = bytes.fromhex("0e080000000000010000000300001335060004001fffe002084fe76e9a8b5edaf50708fde46f999f0698e20510d47f5027a414ffeebaefa92285cc84fa030f4f70656e5468726561642d653439630102e49c0410b92f8c7fbb4f9f3e08492ee3915fbd2f0c0402a0fff8")

Setting Wi-Fi network credentials#

Assuming your Wi-Fi SSID is TESTSSID, and your Wi-Fi password is P455W4RD, set the credentials to the controller by executing the following command:

devCtrl.SetWiFiCredentials(<ssid>, <password>)

Step 5: Commission the Matter accessory device over Bluetooth LE#

The controller uses a 12-bit value called discriminator to discern between multiple commissionable device advertisements, as well as a 27-bit setup PIN code to authenticate the device. You can find these values in the logging terminal of the device (for example, UART). For example:

I: 254 [DL]Device Configuration:
I: 257 [DL] Serial Number: TEST_SN
I: 260 [DL] Vendor Id: 65521 (0xFFF1)
I: 263 [DL] Product Id: 32768 (0x8000)
I: 267 [DL] Hardware Version: 1
I: 270 [DL] Setup Pin Code: 20202021
I: 273 [DL] Setup Discriminator: 3840 (0xF00)
I: 278 [DL] Manufacturing Date: (not set)
I: 281 [DL] Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)

Run the following command to establish the secure connection over Bluetooth LE, with the following assumptions for the Matter accessory device:

  • The discriminator of the device is 3840

  • The setup pin code of the device is 20202021

  • The temporary Node ID is 1234

devCtrl.ConnectBLE(3840, 20202021, 1234)

You can skip the last parameter, the Node ID, in the command. If you skip it, the controller will assign it randomly. In that case, note down the Node ID, because it is required later in the configuration process.

It is also possible to use the QR setup code instead. It typically is shown on the terminal of the device as well. For example:

CHIP:SVR: SetupQRCode: [MT:-24J0AFN00KA0648G00]

Use the following command to commission the device with the QR code:

devCtrl.CommissionWithCode("MT:-24J0AFN00KA0648G00", 1234)

After connecting the device over Bluetooth LE, the controller will go through the following stages:

  • Establishing a secure connection that completes the PASE (Password-Authenticated Session Establishment) session using SPAKE2+ protocol and results in printing the following log:

    Secure Session to Device Established
  • Providing the device with a network interface using ZCL Network Commissioning cluster commands, and the network pairing credentials set in the previous step.

  • Discovering the IPv6 address of the Matter accessory using the SRP (Service Registration Protocol) for Thread devices, or the mDNS (Multicast Domain Name System) protocol for Wi-Fi or Ethernet devices. It results in printing log that indicates that the node address has been updated. The IPv6 address of the device is cached in the controller for later usage.

  • Closing the Bluetooth LE connection, as the commissioning process is finished and the Python CHIP controller is now using only the IPv6 traffic to reach the device.

Step 6: Control application clusters.#

For the light bulb example, execute the following command to toggle the LED state:

await devCtrl.SendCommand(1234, 1, Clusters.OnOff.Commands.Toggle())

To change the brightness of the LED, use the following command, with the level value somewhere between 0 and 255.

commandToSend = LevelControl.Commands.MoveToLevel(level=50, transitionTime=Null, optionsMask=0, optionsOverride=0)
await devCtrl.SendCommand(1234, 1, commandToSend)

Step 7: Read basic information out of the accessory.#

Every Matter accessory device supports a Basic Information Cluster, which maintains collection of attributes that a controller can obtain from a device, such as the vendor name, the product name, or software version. Use ReadAttribute() command to read those values from the device:

attributes = [
    (0, Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.VendorName),
    (0, Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.ProductName),
    (0, Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.SoftwareVersion),
await devCtrl.ReadAttribute(1234, attributes)

In REPL, you can type Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes. and then use the TAB key.

Example usage of the Python CHIP Controller REPL#

These section covers a few useful commands of the Python CHIP Controller along with examples demonstrating how they can be called from the REPL.

The CHIP Device Controller API documentation offer the full list of available commands.


Provides the controller with Thread network credentials that will be used in the device commissioning procedure to configure the device with a Thread interface.

thread_dataset = bytes.fromhex("0e080000000000010000000300001335060004001fffe002084fe76e9a8b5edaf50708fde46f999f0698e20510d47f5027a414ffeebaefa92285cc84fa030f4f70656e5468726561642d653439630102e49c0410b92f8c7fbb4f9f3e08492ee3915fbd2f0c0402a0fff8")

SetWiFiCredentials(<ssid>: str, <password>: str)#

Provides the controller with Wi-Fi network credentials that will be used in the device commissioning procedure to configure the device with a Wi-Fi interface.

devCtrl.SetWiFiCredentials('TESTSSID', 'P455W4RD')

CommissionWithCode(<setupPayload>: str, <nodeid>: int, <discoveryType>: DiscoveryType)#

Commission with the given nodeid from the setupPayload. setupPayload may be a QR or the manual setup code.

devCtrl.CommissionWithCode("MT:-24J0AFN00KA0648G00", 1234)

SendCommand(<nodeid>: int, <endpoint>: int, Clusters.<cluster>.Commands.<command>(<arguments>))#

Send a Matter command to the device. For example:

commandToSend = Clusters.LevelControl.Commands.MoveWithOnOff(moveMode=1, rate=2, optionsMask=0, optionsOverride=0)
await devCtrl.SendCommand(1234, 1, commandToSend)

To see available arguments just create a command object without argument:


Shows which arguments are available:

│   moveMode=0,
│   rate=Null,
│   optionsMask=0,
│   optionsOverride=0

ReadAttribute(<nodeid>: int, [(<endpoint id>: int, Clusters.<cluster>.Attributes.<attribute>)])#

Read the value of an attribute. For example:

await devCtrl.ReadAttribute(1234, [(0, Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.VendorName)])

WriteAttribute(<nodeid>: int, [(<endpointid>: int, Clusters.<cluster>.Attributes.<attribute>(value=<attribute value>))])#

Write a value to an attribute. For example:

await devCtrl.WriteAttribute(1234, [(1, Clusters.UnitTesting.Attributes.Int8u(value=1))])
await devCtrl.WriteAttribute(1234, [(1, Clusters.UnitTesting.Attributes.Boolean(value=True))])
await devCtrl.WriteAttribute(1234, [(1, Clusters.UnitTesting.Attributes.OctetString(value=b'123123\x00'))])
await devCtrl.WriteAttribute(1234, [(1, Clusters.UnitTesting.Attributes.CharString(value='233233'))])

ReadAttribute(<nodeid>: int, [(<endpoint>: int, Clusters.<cluster>.Attributes.<attribute>)], reportInterval=(<min interval>: int, <max interval>: int))#

Configure Matter attribute reporting settings. For example:

await devCtrl.ReadAttribute(1234, [(1, Clusters.OccupancySensing.Attributes.Occupancy)], reportInterval=(10, 20))

To shutdown an existing attribute subscription use the Shutdown() function on the returned subscription object:

sub = await devCtrl.ReadAttribute(1234, [(1, Clusters.OccupancySensing.Attributes.Occupancy)], reportInterval=(10, 20))

Explore Clusters, Attributes and Commands#

In the Python REPL the Clusters and Attributes are classes. The Clusters module contains all clusters. Tab completion can be used to explore available clusters, attributes and commands.

For example, to get a list of Clusters, type Clusters. and hit tab. Continue to hit tab to cycle through the available Clusters. Pressing return will select the Cluster.

To explore Attributes, use the same technique but with the Attributes sub-class of the Clusters class, for example, type Clusters.(cluster name).Attributes. and hit tab.

The same is true for Commands, use the Commands sub-class. type Clusters.(cluster name).Commands. and hit tab.