Matter Shell - OpenThread CLI pass-through


Matter Shell - OpenThread CLI pass-through#

The Matter Shell CLI can execute pass-through commands to the OpenThread CLI directly.



On embedded platforms, the otcli commands are available simply when OpenThread support is enabled.


On embedded Linux platforms, otcli commands require installation of some OpenThread daemons:

# Start Border Router agent
sudo /usr/local/sbin/otbr-agent -d6 -v -I wpan0 spinel+hdlc+forkpty:///usr/local/bin/ot-rcp\?forkpty-arg=5

If this command is not available, the follow instructions will build and install it:

# Build OpenThread Interface (simulation used as example -- alternatively could be RCP hardware)
cd third_party/openthread/repo
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DOT_PLATFORM=simulation -GNinja
ninja -j8 && sudo ninja install

# Build Border Router functionality
cd third_party/ot-br-posix/repo
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DOTBR_DBUS=ON -GNinja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -
ninja -j8 && sudo ninja install

# Start Border Router agent
sudo /usr/local/sbin/otbr-agent -d6 -v -I wpan0 spinel+hdlc+forkpty:///usr/local/bin/ot-rcp\?forkpty-arg=5

# In a new shell, at top-level of CHIP repo, test Thread device layer is operational
git submodule update --init
source scripts/
gn gen out/default
ninja -C out/default src/platform/tests:TestThreadStackMgr_run