CI/CD Documentation#
Project Information#
Sphinx documentation framework
New directories and individual files must be added to the tree
New files under directories must be added to the tree in the index file; see above. Glob and regular expressions may be used to include all
The documentation page is the end product
Links can be relative; links ending in “.md” in the code will be reflected as “.html” on that page
Pull Requests
Built in style and spelling checks must be satisfied
Larger changes should go through an approval process; reviewers are automatically added
Smaller specific changes like ones to this file may be expedited with the “fast track” label
Work In Progress
/spellcheck-github-actions, a PySpelling-based spellcheckerThis tool utilizes the definitions in .spellcheck.yml and .github/
to check all documentation files. .spellcheck.yml defines the settings while.wordlist.txt
is a dictionary of words to skip checking (brand names, technical jargon, acronyms)