Matter Genio
Thermostat Example#
An example showing the use of Matter on the MediaTek Genio
The Genio
(MT793X) thermostat example provides a baseline demonstration of a
thermostat device, built using Matter and the MediaTek Genio
SDK. It can be
controlled by a Chip controller over Wi-Fi network..
The Genio
device can be commissioned over Bluetooth Low Energy where the
device and the Chip controller will exchange security information with the
Rendez-vous procedure. Network credentials are then provided to the Genio
device which will then join the network.
The thermostat example is intended to serve both as a means to explore the workings of Matter as well as a template for creating real products based on the MediaTek platform.
Following the Linux related descriptions in Build Matter to prepare the build environment.
Supported hardware:
130A (MT7931) board:EK-AI7931LD KIT
Build the example application:
`cd ~/connectedhomeip` `./scripts/examples/ ./examples/thermostat/genio` `./out/thermostat`
To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
`$ cd ~/connectedhomeip` `$ rm -rf ./out/`
OR use GN/Ninja directly
`$ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/thermostat/genio` `$ git submodule update --init` `$ source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/` `$ gn gen out/debug` `$ ninja -C out/debug`
To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
`$ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/thermostat/genio` `$ rm -rf out/`
Flashing the Application#
Copy the GUI based Flash Tool. from the Linux Host that the example was build to a Windows PC.
Flash Tool can be found in this source tree under this directory
On the Windows PC, run the Flash Tool
Select the scatter.ini file in the
directory.Follow the instruction that comes with
to switch the kit to download mode.Click
Running the Complete Example#
You can provision and control the Chip device using the python controller, Chip tool standalone, Android or iOS app
[CHIP Tool]](
Here is an example with the CHIP Tool controller:
chiptool- pairing ble-wifi 1234 my-ap myappassword 20202021 3840
Depending on your network settings your router might not provide native ipv6 addresses to your devices (Border router / PC). If this is the case, you need to add a static ipv6 addresses on both device and then an ipv6 route to the border router on your PC