Manufacturing Partition Generator Utility#

This tool is designed to generate factory partitions for mass production.


Please make sure you have had the following tools before using the generator tool.

Build Matter tools#

  1. Using the following commands to generate chip-tool, spake2p and chip-cert at path/to/connectedhomeip/build/out/host.

    cd path/to/connectedhomeip
    source scripts/
    gn gen build/out/host
    ninja -C build/out/host
  2. Add the tools path to $PATH

    export PATH="$PATH:path/to/connectedhomeip/build/out/host"

Install python dependencies#

cd path/to/connectedhomeip/scripts/tools/telink/
python3 -m pip install -r
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.telink.txt


The following commands generate factory partitions using the default testing PAI keys, certificates, and CD in Matter project. You can make it using yours instead in real production.

Generate a factory partition#

python3 -v 0xFFF2 -p 0x8001 \
--serial-num AABBCCDDEEFF11223344556677889900 \
--vendor-name "Telink Semiconductor" \
--product-name "not-specified" \
--mfg-date 2022-12-12 \
--hw-ver 1 \
--hw-ver-str "prerelase" \
--pai \
--key /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-PAI-FFF2-8001-Key.pem \
--cert /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-PAI-FFF2-8001-Cert.pem \
-cd /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/certification-declaration/Chip-Test-CD-FFF2-8001.der  \
--spake2-path /path/to/spake2p \
--chip-tool-path /path/to/chip-tool \
--chip-cert-path /path/to/chip-cert

Generate 5 factory partitions [Optional argument : –count]#

python3 --count 5 -v 0xFFF2 -p 0x8001 \
--serial-num AABBCCDDEEFF11223344556677889900 \
--vendor-name "Telink Semiconductor" \
--product-name "not-specified" \
--mfg-date 2022-02-02 \
--hw-ver 1 \
--hw-ver-str "prerelase" \
--pai \
--key /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-PAI-FFF2-8001-Key.pem \
--cert /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-PAI-FFF2-8001-Cert.pem \
-cd /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/certification-declaration/Chip-Test-CD-FFF2-8001.der  \
--spake2-path /path/to/spake2p \
--chip-tool-path /path/to/chip-tool \
--chip-cert-path /path/to/chip-cert

Output files and directory structure#

├── device_sn.csv
└── fff2_8001
    ├── aabbccddeeff11223344556677889900
    │   ├── factory_data.bin
    │   ├── factory_data.hex
    │   ├── internal
    │   │   ├── DAC_cert.der
    │   │   ├── DAC_cert.pem
    │   │   ├── DAC_key.pem
    │   │   ├── DAC_private_key.bin
    │   │   ├── DAC_public_key.bin
    │   │   └── pai_cert.der
    │   ├── onb_codes.csv
    │   ├── pin_disc.csv
    │   ├── qrcode.png
    │   └── summary.json
    ├── aabbccddeeff11223344556677889901
    │   ├── factory_data.bin
    │   ├── factory_data.hex
    │   ├── internal
    │   │   ├── DAC_cert.der
    │   │   ├── DAC_cert.pem
    │   │   ├── DAC_key.pem
    │   │   ├── DAC_private_key.bin
    │   │   ├── DAC_public_key.bin
    │   │   └── pai_cert.der
    │   ├── onb_codes.csv
    │   ├── pin_disc.csv
    │   ├── qrcode.png
    │   └── summary.json
    ├── aabbccddeeff11223344556677889902
    │   ├── factory_data.bin
    │   ├── factory_data.hex
    │   ├── internal
    │   │   ├── DAC_cert.der
    │   │   ├── DAC_cert.pem
    │   │   ├── DAC_key.pem
    │   │   ├── DAC_private_key.bin
    │   │   ├── DAC_public_key.bin
    │   │   └── pai_cert.der
    │   ├── onb_codes.csv
    │   ├── pin_disc.csv
    │   ├── qrcode.png
    │   └── summary.json
    └── aabbccddeeff11223344556677889903
        ├── factory_data.bin
        ├── factory_data.hex
        ├── internal
        │   ├── DAC_cert.der
        │   ├── DAC_cert.pem
        │   ├── DAC_key.pem
        │   ├── DAC_private_key.bin
        │   ├── DAC_public_key.bin
        │   └── pai_cert.der
        ├── onb_codes.csv
        ├── pin_disc.csv
        ├── qrcode.png
        └── summary.json

Tool generates following output files:

  • Partition Binary : factory_data.bin and factory_data.hex

  • Partition JSON : summary.json

  • Onboarding codes : onb_codes.csv

  • QR Code image : qrcode.png

Other intermediate files are stored in internal/ directory:

  • PAI Certificate : pai_cert.der

  • DAC Certificates : DAC_cert.der and DAC_cert.pem

  • DAC Private Key : DAC_private_key.bin

  • DAC Public Key : DAC_public_key.bin

Above files are stored at out/<vid_pid>/<SN>. Each device is identified with an unique SN.

Flashing the factory partition FW into Matter App#

You can try one of these factory partition FW on developing stage.

  1. Prepare a Matter App FW with empty factory data partition.

    For example, lighting-app. Please generate the FW as below:

    cd path/to/connectedhomeip/example/ligting-app/telink/
    west build -- -DCONFIG_CHIP_FACTORY_DATA=y

    The output FW is stored at ./build/zephyr/zephyr.bin.

  2. Then flash Matter App FW onto B91 board.

  3. Then flash the factory_data.bin generated from the generator tool at specific address:

    Note: The offset for Matter v1.0-branch is 0xF4000 and for master branch is 0x107000. You can check the factory_partition reg at tlsr9518adk80d.dts for details.

    For example, the factory_data_bin with serial number aabbccddeeff11223344556677889900. Here is the expected output in logging:

    I: 947 [DL]Device Configuration:
    I: 951 [DL]  Serial Number: aabbccddeeff11223344556677889900
    I: 957 [DL]  Vendor Id: 65522 (0xFFF2)
    I: 961 [DL]  Product Id: 32769 (0x8001)
    I: 965 [DL]  Hardware Version: 1
    I: 969 [DL]  Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 93320241
    I: 975 [DL]  Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3008 (0xBC0)
    I: 983 [DL]  Manufacturing Date: 2022-02-02
    I: 988 [DL]  Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)
    I: 993 [SVR]SetupQRCode: [MT:634J042C00O-KB7Z-10]
    I: 999 [SVR]Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code:
    I: 1006 [SVR]
    I: 1017 [SVR]Manual pairing code: [26251356956]