Lock Application for Linux#

Application that showcases abilities of the Door Lock Cluster.


The application could be build in the same manner as all-clusters-app:

? scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lock-app/linux out/lock-app chip_config_network_layer_ble=false

Named Pipe Interface#

This application accepts commands over named pipe. Pipe is located in /tmp/chip_lock_app_fifo-<PID>.

Command Format#

Commands interface accepts commands formatted as a JSON object. Structure of the object:



Value Description




Contains name of the command to execute




Contains parameters for the command. Could be omitted if the command does not accept parameters


For example:

  • { "Cmd": "SetDoorState", "Params": { "EndpointId": 1, "DoorState": 2 } } - command to set the Door Jammed door state.

  • { "Cmd": "SendDoorLockAlarm", "Params": { "AlarmCode": 0 } } - command to send the Door Lock Alarm event with Lock Jammed alarm code.

Available commands#

Set Door State#

  • Name: SetDoorState

  • Parameters:

    • EndpointId (Uint, Optional): ID of the endpoint where command should be executed. Could be omitted, in that case the default endpoint with ID 1 is targeted.

    • DoorState (DoorState enum): new door state.

  • Usage:

     echo '{"Cmd": "SetDoorState", "Params": { "EndpointId": 1, "DoorState": 1 } }' > /tmp/chip_lock_app_fifo-<PID>

    This command will set the door state to “Closed” resulting in Door State Change event.

Send Door Lock Alarm#

  • Name: SetDoorState

  • Parameters:

    • EndpointId (Uint, Optional): ID of the endpoint where command should be executed. Could be omitted, in that case the default endpoint with ID 1 is targeted

    • AlarmCode (AlarmCode enum): code of the Lock Door Alarm to send.

  • Usage:

     echo '{"Cmd": "SendDoorLockAlarm", "Params": { "EndpointId": 1, "AlarmCode": 0 } }' > /tmp/chip_lock_app_fifo-<PID>

    This command will send the Door Lock Alarm event with “Lock Jammed” alarm code.