Introduction to Matter factory data#

Each Matter device should have it own unique factory data manufactured.

This guide demonstrates what Bouffalo Lab provides to support factory data:

  • credential factory data protected by hardware security engine

  • reference tool to generate factory data

  • tool/method to program factory data

Matter factory data#

How to enable#

One dedicate flash region allocates for factory data as below which is read-only for firmware.

name = "MFD"
address0 = 0x3FE000
size0 = 0x1000

To enable matter factory data feature, please append -mfd option at end of target name. Take BL602 Wi-Fi Matter Light as example.

./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl602dk-light-littlefs-mfd build

Factory data#

This flash region is divided to two parts:

  • One is plain text data, such as Vendor ID, Product ID, Serial number and so on.

    For development/test purpose, all data can put in plain text data.

  • Other is cipher text data, such as private key for device attestation data.

    Bouffalo Lab provides hardware security engine to decrypt this part data with only hardware access efuse key.

Current supported data

  • DAC certificate and private key

  • PAI certificate

  • Certificate declaration

  • Discriminator ID

  • Pass Code

  • Spake2p iteration count, salt and verifier

  • Vendor ID and name

  • Product ID and name

  • Product part number and product label

  • Manufacturing date

  • Hardware version and version string

  • Serial Number

  • Unique identifier

Note, it is available to add customer/product own information in factory data, please reference to bl_mfd.h/bl_mfd.c in SDK and reference generation script

Generate Matter factory data#

Script tool call chip-cert to generate test certificates and verify certificates.

Please run below command to compile chip-cert tool under connnectedhomeip repo.

./scripts/build/ --target linux-x64-chip-cert build

Command options#

  • --cd, certificate declare

    If not specified, Chip-Test-CD-Signing-Cert.pem and Chip-Test-CD-Signing-Key.pem will sign a test certificate declare for development and test purpose

  • --pai_cert and --pai-key, PAI certificate and PAI private key

    If not specified, Chip-Test-PAI-FFF1-8000-Cert.pem and Chip-Test-PAI-FFF1-8000-Key.pem will be used for development and test purpose.

  • --dac_cert and --dac_key, DAC certificate and DAC private key.

    If not specified, script will use PAI certificate and key specified by--pai_cert and --pai-key to generate DAC certificate and private key for development and test purpose.

  • --discriminator, discriminator ID

    If not specified, script will generate for user.

  • --passcode, passcode

    If not specified, script will generate for user.

  • --spake2p_it and --spake2p_salt

    If not specified, script will generate and calculate verifier for user.

Please reference to --help for more detail.

Generate with default test certificates#

  • Run following command to generate all plain text factory data

    Please create output folder first. Here takes out/test-cert as example.

    ./scripts/tools/bouffalolab/ --output out/test-cert
  • Run following command to generate factory data which encrypt private of device attestation data

    ./scripts/tools/bouffalolab/ --output out/test-cert --key <hex string of 16 bytes>

    An example of hex string of 16 bytes: 12345678123456781234567812345678

After command executes successfully, the output folder will has files as below:

  • Test certificate declare file which file name ends with cd.der

    If user wants to reuse CD generated before, please specify CD with option --cd as below.

    ./scripts/tools/bouffalolab/ --output out/test-cert --cd <cd file>
  • Test DAC certificate and DAC certificate key which file names ends with dac_cert.pem and dac_key.pem separately.

  • QR code picture which file name ends with onboard.png

  • On board information which file name ends with onboard.txt

  • Matter factory data which file name ends with mfd.bin.

Generate with self-defined PAA/PAI certificates#

Self-defined PAA/PAI certificates may use in development and test scenario. But, user should know it has limit to work with real ecosystem.

  • Export environment variables in terminal for easy operations

    export TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID=130D # Vendor ID hex string
    export TEST_CERT_CN=BFLB        # Common Name
  • Generate PAA certificate and key to out/cert folder.

    mkdir out/test-cert
    ./out/linux-x64-chip-cert/chip-cert gen-att-cert --type a --subject-cn "${TEST_CERT_CN} PAA 01" --valid-from "2020-10-15 14:23:43" --lifetime 7305 --out-key out/test-cert/Chip-PAA-Key-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --out out/test-cert/Chip-PAA-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --subject-vid ${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}
  • Convert PAA PEM format file to PAA DER format file

    ./out/linux-x64-chip-cert/chip-cert convert-cert -d out/test-cert/Chip-PAA-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem out/test-cert/Chip-PAA-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.der

    Please save this PAA DER format file which will be used by chip-tool during commissioning.

  • Generate PAI certificate and key:

    ./out/linux-x64-chip-cert/chip-cert gen-att-cert --type i --subject-cn "${TEST_CERT_CN} PAI 01" --subject-vid ${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID} --valid-from "2020-10-15 14:23:43" --lifetime 7305 --ca-key out/test-cert/Chip-PAA-Key-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --ca-cert out/test-cert/Chip-PAA-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --out-key out/test-cert/Chip-PAI-Key-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --out out/test-cert/Chip-PAI-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem
  • Generate MFD in plain text data

    ./scripts/tools/bouffalolab/ --output out/test-cert --paa_cert out/test-cert/Chip-PAA-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --paa_key out/test-cert/Chip-PAA-Key-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --pai_cert out/test-cert/Chip-PAI-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --pai_key out/test-cert/Chip-PAI-Key-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem

    Appending --key <hex string of 16 bytes> option to enable encrypt private key of attestation device data.

Generate with self-defined DAC certificate and key#

Self-defined DAC certificates may use in development and test scenario. But, user should know it has limit to work with real ecosystem.

  • Export environment variables in terminal for easy operations

    export TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID=130D  # Vendor ID hex string
    export TEST_CERT_PRODUCT_ID=1001 # Vendor ID hex string
    export TEST_CERT_CN=BFLB         # Common Name
  • Generate DAC certificate and key

    out/linux-x64-chip-cert/chip-cert gen-att-cert --type d --subject-cn "${TEST_CERT_CN} PAI 01" --subject-vid ${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID} --subject-pid ${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID} --valid-from "2020-10-16 14:23:43" --lifetime 5946 --ca-key out/test-cert/Chip-PAI-Key-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --ca-cert out/test-cert/Chip-PAI-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --out-key out/test-cert/Chip-DAC-Key-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}-${TEST_CERT_PRODUCT_ID}.pem --out out/test-cert/Chip-DAC-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}-${TEST_CERT_PRODUCT_ID}.pem

    Note, --valid-from and --lifetime should be in --valid-from and --lifetime of PAI certificate.

  • Generate MFD in plain text data

    ./scripts/tools/bouffalolab/ --output out/test-cert --pai_cert out/test-cert/Chip-PAI-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}.pem --dac_cert out/test-cert/Chip-DAC-Cert-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}-${TEST_CERT_PRODUCT_ID}.pem --dac_key out/test-cert/Chip-DAC-Key-${TEST_CERT_VENDOR_ID}-${TEST_CERT_PRODUCT_ID}.pem

    Appending --key <hex string of 16 bytes> option to enable encrypt private key of attestation device data.

Program factory data#

After each target built successfully, a flash programming python script will be generated under out folder.

Take BL616 Wi-Fi Matter Light as example, is using to program firmware, and also for factory data and factory decryption key.

/out/bouffalolab-bl616dk-light-wifi-mfd/ --port <serial port>  --mfd out/test-cert/<mfd bin file>

If MFD file has cipher text data, please append --key <hex string of 16 bytes> option to program to this key to efuse.

  • Limits on BL IOT SDK

    If developer would like to program MFD with all plain text data, option --key <hex string of 16 bytes> needs pass to script, otherwise, flash tool will raise an error. And SoC BL602, BL702 and BL702L use BL IOT SDK for Matter Application.

Please free contact to Bouffalo Lab for DAC provider service and higher security solution, such as SoC inside certificate requesting.