CHIP QPG6105 Persistent Storage Application

CHIP QPG6105 Persistent Storage Application#

An example application showing the use of key value storage API on the Qorvo QPG6105.

More detailed information to be included in SDK Documentation.


This example serves to both test the key value storage implementation and API as it is brought-up on different platforms, as well as provide an example for how to use the API.

In the future this example can be moved into a unit test when available on all platforms.

Persistent-storage-app button control#

This application does not use any buttons.

LED output#

This application does not have any LED output.

Logging Output#

qvCHIP v0.0.0.0 (CL:170621) r:3
Qorvo KVS-Test Launching
Starting FreeRTOS scheduler
Consistency fail - tag:20ef
Consistency failed
Running Tests:
[P][-] TestEmptyString(): PASSED
[P][-] TestString(): PASSED
[P][-] TestUint32(): PASSED
[P][-] TestArray(): PASSED
[P][-] TestStruct(): PASSED
[P][-] TestUpdateValue(): PASSED
[P][-] TestMultiRead(): PASSED