Matter Open IoT SDK Example Device Firmware Upgrade

Matter Open IoT SDK Example Device Firmware Upgrade#

Matter Open IoT SDK examples can support over-the-air (OTA) Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) based on Matter-compliant OTA update protocol that uses the Matter operational network for querying and downloading a new firmware image.

Device Firmware Upgrade over Matter OTA cluster#

The DFU over Matter OTA clusters requires two kinds of nodes:

  • OTA Provider is an application that implements the OTA provider cluster service. It can respond to the OTA Requestors’ queries about available software updates and share the update image with them.

  • OTA Requestor is an application that implements the OTA requestor cluster service. It can communicate with the OTA Provider to fetch applicable software updates and apply them.

The last required element is a Matter controller. This application controls both nodes and manages the entire software update process.

In the procedure described below, the OTA Provider will be a Linux application and the Open IoT SDK example with DFU support will work as the OTA Requestor. The chip-tool application used as the Matter controller. Each application should be launched in a separate terminal.

List of OIS examples that currently support the DFU over Matter:

  • ota-requestor-app

Device Firmware Upgrade over Matter procedure#

  1. Navigate to the CHIP root directory.

  2. Build the OTA Provider application:

    scripts/examples/ examples/ota-provider-app/linux out/ota-provider chip_config_network_layer_ble=false

    More details about the OTA provider application can be found here.

  3. Build chip-tool:

    scripts/examples/ examples/chip-tool out/chip-tool

    More details about the chip-tool application can be found here.

  4. Build OIS example application

    scripts/examples/ -v 1 -V 0.0.1 <example_name>

    This is first version of the application that can be updated.

  5. Build OIS update image

    scripts/examples/ -p out/update -v 2 -V 0.0.2 <example_name>

    Pass the build path (-p out/update) in this step to not override the example application. In that directory you should find the update image file with .ota extension (chip-openiotsdk-<example_name>-example.ota).

  6. Setup OIS network environment

    sudo ./scripts/setup/openiotsdk/ -n OISupdate up

    More details about OIS network environment can be found here.

  7. In terminal 1: run the OTA Provider application in the network environment and provide a path to the update image:

    scripts/ OISupdate out/ota-provider/chip-ota-provider-app --KVS /tmp/chip-ota-provider --discriminator 3841 --secured-device-port 5580 --filepath out/update/chip-openiotsdk-<example_name>-example.ota

    The node details should be printed:

    CHIP:DL: Device Configuration:
    CHIP:DL:   Serial Number: TEST_SN
    CHIP:DL:   Vendor Id: 65521 (0xFFF1)
    CHIP:DL:   Product Id: 32769 (0x8001)
    CHIP:DL:   Hardware Version: 0
    CHIP:DL:   Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 20202021
    CHIP:DL:   Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3841 (0xF01)
    CHIP:DL:   Manufacturing Date: (not set)
    CHIP:DL:   Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)
    CHIP:SVR: SetupQRCode: [MT:-24J0IRV01KA0648G00]
    CHIP:SVR: Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code:
    CHIP:SVR: Manual pairing code: [34970112332]
    CHIP:SWU: Using OTA file: out/update/chip-openiotsdk-ota-requestor-app-example.ota

    💡 Notes:

    Set the custom Key Value Store path for OTA provider.

    The OTA provider discriminator must be different from the value used by the example application. OIS examples use the default discriminator value 3840.

    The OTA provider UDP port must be different from the value used by the example application. OIS examples use the default discriminator value 5540.

  8. In terminal 2: run the OIS example application in the network environment:

    scripts/ OISupdate scripts/examples/ -C run -n OISupdatetap <example_name>

    The node details should be printed to terminal:

    [INF] [DL] Device Configuration:
    [INF] [DL]   Serial Number: TEST_SN
    [INF] [DL]   Vendor Id: 65521 (0xFFF1)
    [INF] [DL]   Product Id: 32769 (0x8001)
    [INF] [DL]   Hardware Version: 0
    [INF] [DL]   Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 20202021
    [INF] [DL]   Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3840 (0xF00)
    [INF] [DL]   Manufacturing Date: (not set)
    [INF] [DL]   Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)
    [INF] [SVR] SetupQRCode: [MT:-24J0AFN00KA0648G00]
    [INF] [SVR] Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code:
    [INF] [SVR]
    [INF] [SVR] Manual pairing code: [34970112332]
    [INF] [-] Current software version: [1] 0.0.1
    [INF] [SWU] Stopping the watchdog timer
    [INF] [SWU] Starting the periodic query timer, timeout: 86400 seconds
    [INF] [-] Open IoT SDK ota-requestor-app example application run
  9. In terminal 3: commission the OTA Provider application into the Matter network:

    scripts/ OISupdate ./out/chip-tool/chip-tool pairing onnetwork-long 123 20202021 3841

    Set node ID to 123.

    The confirmation of commissioning success will be printed on the terminal:

    CHIP:SVR: Commissioning completed successfully
  10. In terminal 3: commission the OIS example application into the Matter network:

    scripts/ OISupdate ./out/chip-tool/chip-tool pairing onnetwork-long 321 20202021 3840

    Set node ID to 321.

    The confirmation of commissioning success will be printed on the terminal:

    [INF] [SVR] Commissioning completed successfully
  11. In terminal 3: configure the OTA Provider with the access control list (ACL) that grants Operate privileges to all nodes in the fabric. This is necessary to allow the nodes to send cluster commands to the OTA Provider:

    scripts/ OISupdate ./out/chip-tool/chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [321], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": null, "targets": null}]' 123 0
  12. Initiate the DFU procedure:

    In terminal 3: send the Announce OTA Provider command to the example application. The numeric arguments are: provider node ID, provider vendor ID, announcement reason, provider endpoint ID, requestor node ID and requestor Endpoint Id, respectively.

    scripts/ OISupdate ./out/chip-tool/chip-tool otasoftwareupdaterequestor announce-otaprovider 123 0 2 0 321 0

    The example application is notified of the OTA Provider node and it automatically queries for a new firmware image. If a new version of firmware is available, the downloading step starts.

  13. When the firmware image download is complete, the device is automatically rebooted to apply the update.

    The new version of firmware will be printed in the log terminal 2:

    [INF] [-] Current software version: [2] 0.0.2
  14. Now, you can manually close the nodes applications and terminals sessions:

    • OTA Provider - terminal 1

    • OIS example - terminal 2. More details about terminating OIS example can be found here.

  15. Cleanup after update (disable network environment, remove KVS storage files):

    sudo ./scripts/setup/openiotsdk/ -n OISupdate down
    sudo rm /tmp/chip-ota-provider