CHEF devices#

Device definitions reside in examples/chef/devices as .zap and .matter files.

Generally you need to follow these steps to use a new device:

  • Create a zap/matter configuration (forking an existing one is the easiest)

  • Rename to a final/stable name

  • Test

Creating a new zap configuration#

The easiest way to get started is using an existing configuration. A template is provided in ./examples/chef/devices/template.zap.

To open the zap GUI for this device, run:

./examples/chef/ -g -d template

Editing the zap configuration:#

Using the ZAP UI, make the following changes:

  • Leave Endpoint 0 unchanged

  • Click the Edit/Pencil icon to change Endpoint 1 (Edit device type)

    • Update the device type to the new device and click “save” (edit device type)

    • In the “Filter” section select “Enabled Clusters” and validate what clusters are set (filter enabled clusters)

      • Ensure clusters for the device type are enabled (this is generally automatically the case)

      • Click the gear icon on the cluster to further edit enabled attributes and commands

      • You can add additional optional clusters if needed (disable filtering and use the search option)

Once all edits are done, click “File” => “Save as…” to save it under a NEW name inside examples/chef/devices/.

NOTE: make sure you save under examples/chef/devices since internal paths inside the saved file will be relative to the save location (it cannot simply be moved later without manual editing).

It is suggested to name this rootnode_<device_type_name>.zap (e.g., rootnode_smokecoalarm.zap for Matter Smoke CO Alarm device type)

Establishing a “final name”#

General naming convention for chef is <ep0>_<ep1>_<hash> where <epN> is the type of endpoint (and <ep0> is almost always rootnode).

The hash is a one-time uniquely generated identifier to allow separate configurations for the same devices (e.g different features enabled).

You can read more in examples/chef/sample_app_util/, however the short version is that you can determine a recommended name using:

./examples/chef/sample_app_util/ zap --generate-name <saved_zap_file_name>

and generally you want to just rename it via:

./examples/chef/sample_app_util/ zap --rename-file <saved_zap_file_name>

Running code generation (to generate .matter file)#

To generate the matter file for your target, run

./scripts/tools/zap/ <new_device_zap_name>

This should generate the corresponding .matter file for the zap file you created.


Basic device availability should show when running:

./examples/chef/ -h | less


This example uses rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5 for commands. Substitute your own device for testing newly created devices.

./examples/chef/                 \
   -t linux                             \
   -d rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5 \

Where options used are:

  • -t specifies the target platform

  • -d specifies the device to build

  • -b asks for build to be run


Build will be available in examples/chef/linux/out/rootnode_contactsensor_27f76aeaf5 (path will vary based on platform and device being built)